Thursday, July 29, 2010


I was meeting with a few friends the other day...and one of them showed me this website...which allowed you to create flash websites...with somewhat ease. I am all for allows you to free up some time. We all know..more of that is never a bad thing. This technology is also free...which allows me to keep me overhead down...and will allow me to pass these savings on to my clients. The issue I'm wondering about is....Do my clients see the free site..and think less of me...or do they see...that I'm saving..which would allow them to save. I think the free site has more positives...

Here it is take a look.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Better Professional

I am currently attending a wedding seminar. I am trying to become a better wedding professional. I hope you have a blessed day.
www.hankersonphotography.comFind us on Facebook & Twitter

Friday, July 2, 2010

My wife

This is my wife. I thank God he brought her into my life.

Sent from my iPod


Watching a marathon of Lost episodes. So far so good. I wish I would've been watching earlier.

- Posted from my mobile, Jermaine